Wat heeft goud in je smartphone te maken met kinderarbeid? Een Explainimation door journalist en videomaker Bruno van Wayenburg. Tekeningen door mij. More
How does Apple short-change societies by acting as a financial investor? All is explained in this video by science journalist and animator Bruno van Wayenburg. Artwork (and free font) by me, animation by Bruno. More
Artwork for a movie for Photanol. A company that uses engineered cyanobacteria to turn CO2 directly into predetermined products when exposed to light. The movie was produced by science journalist and 'science animator' Bruno van Wayenburg. More
Animated gif for the Dutch website 365dagenkunst (365 days of art), which features a new piece of work by artists each day. Watch the bigger version on 365dagenkunst, and click on the 'Mooi' button, pretty please. More
An animated gif for 365dagenkunst.nl. Pure coincidence that it's put online during the Perseid meteor shower. More
Doodling about with Flash. I have no idea what it means either. More
Hibou aan de lijn met Marten Toonder. Gemaakt voor een special over de Boeddha in Toonder op bodhitv.nl, met nog meer tekenaars, waaronder Frits Jonker en Raoul Deleo. Grote versie na de doorklik. More
Animation for an exhibition in Science Centre NEMO in Amsterdam, about the scientific and technical principles behind this quintessentially dutch mode of transport.. Original artwork by Nico den Dulk. More
A little animation I whipped up for a flip book some years ago. Like owls? Subscribe to my owls shake on the fantastic picture sharing site mlkshk.com More
Oh my god! The cheese is alive! Click anywhere for optimum enjoyment. More